Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Food Whore Hits the Big 4-0

Today I hit another milestone. I have lost a total of 40 pounds. I am down to 197 pounds. I realize that is still a lot of weight to be carrying, but I am feeling good about the progress. Today is day 106 of changing the way I eat and the way I live.

Last night, I went to the gym and ran for the first time since my accident last month. Only three minutes' worth, but it felt good to make my body move that way.

The other thing I'm beginning to notice is that my body has gotten accustomed to healthier foods. I was running tests on some recipes over the weekend and I ate a few bites of a ham and cheese waffle I'm experimenting with, and I could only get a few bites down. It was just so rich. It made me think back to when I was a kid, and Stacey Lawrence's mom Jan would make us waffles with chocolate gravy. We would wolf them down like there was no tomorrow. How did I do that?

Today's photo. Forty pounds gone. Woo Hoo!

25 lbs ago...

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